St Basils

St Basils Charity

About us

St Basils works with young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, to enable them to find and keep a home, grow their confidence, develop their skills, increase opportunities and prevent homelessness.

How do we support?

Prevention: We want to prevent young people becoming homeless in the first place, that’s the best outcome. If we couldn’t do that in the first instance, we need to prevent them from becoming homeless again at a later stage.

Good Quality Accommodation: We have 40+ high quality, accommodation schemes across the West Midlands. We want our young people to feel safe and proud of where they live.

Education, Training & Employment: We focus on our young peoples ambitions, talents, strengths – and how they can use that for their future, to empower themselves. From there, we support with further education, apprenticeships/training and employment which leads to them earning their own income.

Youth Voice: At every step, we engage with young people. We learn from their lived experiences. If they feel they can influence the environment around them, then they will have the confidence to influence their own lives.

To find out more, head to our website:


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